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Business Coach

– Tell me and I’ll forget; teach me and I'll remember; involve me and I’ll learn. Benjamin Franklin –

My primary objective as a business coach is for you to succeed.  I strongly believe involving you and working together to pursue your meaning and truth is a learning process which will create permanent and lasting change to you and your business.

Together we will discover and unfold your passion, why you are in business and the core purpose of your business.  This will develop a clear path to your prosperity.

You are the expert in your business and know your business intimately therefore, you have the answers.

What we do together is unravel those answers and give you a different perspective.  As your business coach we will be asking structured questions that at times can be confronting but essential to the outcome and success of your personal and business growth.  Once we retrieve the information we work on several strategies to ensure you stay on track, reviewing, replanning if needed to ensure your continued success.

I follow Socrates principles as a basis for coaching and many other practitioners do as well, the results and methods will be successful and we do facilitate and advise when necessary. Socrates is best summed up in a recent book I have read Coaching with the Brain in Mind by David Rock and Linda Page

]Training FAQ

Socrates (469-399 BC) taught that each person is born with full knowledge of ultimate truth and needs only to be spurred to conscious awareness of it. He believed that people must acquire knowledge and wisdom for themselves, and so he engaged his students in a process of questioning rather than providing them with the answers. His famous question, "what is the good life" (Allen, 1991) is an example of what is called the Socratic method.

  • Questioning to move a person forward
  • Creating a structure around the process of questioning
  • Pursuing meaning and truth
  • Refraining from offering advice in the belief that answers can be found inside the individual, rather than in external sources of wisdom

Extract reference from Coaching with the Brain in Mind.

My academic background in Communication Management has assisted in getting the results needed for others, this along with my accreditation in corporate behaviour using Everything DiSC, will make a difference to you.

One final thought:

Teams or individuals use coaches while they are learning or they have become a professional athlete. If you are a professional business person and want to continue to perform, protect and grow your business, call Ivan on 1300 886 338 for an appointment.


For more information on Business Coaching

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If you require a Coach, Trainer or Counsellor, then I would welcome the opportunity and be privileged to work with you.

COVID-19 wasn't even a word this time last year.

But what a difference a year makes! If you have been affected or you require help for your business or personal growth. 

Please call me.

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